The length of the Mielenreitti is 2.3 km, of which the demanding barrier-free path is 1.7 km.
The demanding barrier-free route runs by the water along a gravel and plank path about 1 meter wide, following the shore of Lake Suolijärvi.
There is no winter maintenance on the route.
Updated on 17/10/2024
Location: The route starts at Suolijärvi swimming beach Park at Suolijärvenkatu 5, Tampere.
Public transport connection: No public transport connection to the accessible destination. The nearest stop is on Teekkari street, about 200 meters from the route’s parking area.
Parking and escort service: Parking and shuttle service to Suolijärvi swimming beach parking lot, Suolijärvenkatu 5, Tampere. Asphalt surface.
Signs: On the route, black poles about 60 cm high have the logo and the inscription “Mielenreitti” Reflective signposts in front of the beach building. On the route, there are guide boards that tell about the Mielenreitti, as well as nature boards with mental stories.
Route: The route starts from the parking area, from where there is a steep descent to the gravel path. The route continues following the 4 m wide gravel path running parallel to the beach past the swimming beach for about 200 meters. The lighting ends. After the swimming beach, the route goes to the beach path, which is about 1 meter wide and has a gravel base. From time to time there are plank bridges on the route. The length of the entire coastal path in one direction is about 1.7 km and it ends at the built Suolioja bridge. A very demanding barrier-free route continues from the Suolioja bridge, along the side of the ditch in the direction of Särkijärvi, where the Suolioja campfire site is located about 200 meters away. There is no lighting on the beach path, and the width and difficulty level of the beach path varies throughout the journey. An assistant is recommended. Note the round trip is more than 3 kilometers.
A shed or hut: There are several benches along the beach route. Suolioja’s campfire site is not barrier-free.
Accessible toilet: The changing rooms at the Suolijärvi beach have a toilet and are used according to the opening hours. There is a ramp to the premises.
Recommendations: An assistant is recommended for the route. It is recommended to bring a headlamp or other light.
The Suolioja fire pit (not accessible) has pre-chopped clappers in the liter, but no lighters. Lighters are recommended.